Each season churches all over the country start offering programs to their community in various ways. It could be a summer lunch program, spring movie nights for families or winter soup kitchens for the homeless.
Whatever your passion and whichever area of serving God has laid on your heart or called you to, it’s important to know that each and every passion comes with the same exact process. That is actually Starting. There are so many opportunities to serve others in need and your church ministry just has to find the one that uniquely fits you.
Today we want to share with you 3 things you should know about getting started with community programs for your church:
- Start with a clear and grounded vision. (Ask yourselves these 3 questions)
What is your vision to reach the masses?
How can you show up for your community in a more impactful way?
How does this align with your overall church vision?
- Structure your community programs to align cause and effect.
When you start something new it’s easy to just jump into doing what we see others doing as well. The problem here is that there is often no alignment with what people need. Everything has to balance out, their has to be a cause to affect, or a transformation to take place, even it it’s small, it still causes a change.
- Solidify your org as the authority in your community and gain victory through financial support.
Character is huge in the lives of people in need, as well as with those who have the means to support your efforts. This is why the way you show up for your community, should set you apart as the authority for the service you are providing. If you are giving out bread, be the best bread giver around, if you’re starting with school supplies, make sure you are providing something that maybe others are not, and if you don’t know where to start, begin by listening to the people around you, they can help you know what’s missing in their lives.
We have a special new Free PDF download to share with you called the “Becoming a Fundable Church Strategy Guide”, click this link to access it now, and to also know when we post these weekly videos that help you shape the fundability of your church.
If you want to Build, Grow And Lead A Grant Ready Organization So You Can Fund The Vision, While Making The Move To Full Time Ministry Without Losing Their Faith Identity, Apply To Work With The Myles Factor today. Click this link to get started now.